The Commission maintains close cooperation and consultation between the members and the secretariat through the Advisory Committee of Permanent Representatives and other Representatives Designated by Members of the Commission (ACPR). The ACPR is composed of ESCAP members and associate members and meets regularly to advise and exchange views with the Executive Secretary on the Commission's work. The ACPR has the following functions:
- To maintain close cooperation and consultation between the members and the secretariat of the Commission;
- To advise and assist the Executive Secretary in drawing up proposals for the strategic framework and programme of work, consistent with the guidance provided by the Commission;
- To receive on a regular basis information on the administrative and financial functioning of the Commission, and to assist and advise the Executive Secretary in monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Commission’s programme of work;
- To review the draft calendar of meetings prior to its submission to the Commission at its annual session;
- To advise the Executive Secretary on the provisional agenda for sessions of the Commission and committees subsidiary to the Commission, bearing in mind the need to ensure a results-oriented and focused agenda that is aligned with the development priorities of member States, as well as chapter II of its rules of procedure;
- To advise the Executive Secretary on the identification of emerging economic and social issues and other relevant issues for incorporation into the provisional agendas of the Commission sessions;
- To assist the secretariat in the formulation of the annotated provisional agenda for each session of the Commission before it is finalized;
- To carry out any other tasks to be entrusted to it by the Commission.